Mine is only and simply a history book that will upset many people in Italy. Nevertheless, the undersigned is pissed, very pissed off about what happened in the past, and what is still happening today. It a shame that my country has been admitted to complete a political unit (as it is today Italy),with a scam made about 150 years ago. The culture of my country, the Veneto is similar to that of the southern regions such as Campania, Sicily, Calabria, etc.. Like the English or German culture is similar to the Moroccan, Tunisian, etc. .. And right that every people is master at home. Im sick and Im not alone (the party of the Northern League is the proof), to see people from the regions of Italy the most infamous, have positions in all public areas of my country. Knowing laziness, arrogance and malice, which unfortunately many people (not all) from south Italy have. It is not right with that cheating in public examinations (especially with the universities had high marks in the south or with degrees purchased), they become public managers, police comanders, policemen, professors, teachers, etcc ..
We must unite the world, leaving people free to decide their own future, which does not happen in Italy. I did not want to go that far, but there is no other way to get to the freedom of the peoples of the north.
From an early age I have never endured injustice, and I always said what I thought, and I with my Venetian character, to say what I thought when I was a student, I paid a high price. I was naive then, as unfortunately there still are many young people of the north. Again, I did not want to go that far, but freedom is priceless, and remember one thing, the freedom of each one of us ends when you take away the freedom to others. From OECD statistics, the graduates of the north, are much more prepared than graduates of the South, then, from the Internet, I come to know that in the south there are more graduates, 100 cum laude. But now everyone knows that the dunces of the north, to get his degree, he moved to the south. This is the cause of all these people who come to places like government offi cials, etcc.
In addition to being unfair to the people of the north, such behavior foster corruption, and the peoples of the south are professors about it, although there are many honest people. Nonetheless, the social and economic damage that the South, with malicious behavior, has facilitated the crime, corruption, debt and social injustice.
I marvel not a little, when signed, sets out the facts of evil, which occur in southern Italy, many people show me as racist. Do not forget that if the criminal organizations in the south have the roost for 40 years, it is due to politicians, and especially the tens of thousands of people who in one way or another, were affi liated with organized crime. So, party politician, from the 60s onwards, enabled these organizations to proliferate, in exchange for a vote. The past speaks for itself.With regard to my person, I do not love me at all know. Im a loner, and I only wrote this book because I love the freedom, not only for me but also for others. On the other hand, what is a person without freedom? Nothing. The human being, being superintelligent, compared to animals in need of freedom as the air we breathe. When it is the remains, he is nothing.