The Lonely Sommelier

Tessa Mariano has survived it all-loss, abandonment, betrayal, financial ruin. Now, seven years after her divorce, the hardworking entrepreneur is a successful sommelier and owner of one of the most popular gourmet wine shops in Sonoma.

But her meticulously managed life is thrown into chaos when her newly engaged ex-husband announces he wants to take custody of their son, thirteen-year-old Marco. Stunned by his proposition and preoccupied with preventing it, she's blindsided again when her beloved grandmother, Nonna, lands in the hospital.

Between managing her business, worrying about a custody battle, and trying to control Nonna's care, Tessa has little patience for her grandmother's stubborn surgeon, Dr. Owen Barnes. But after numerous encounters with the hardheaded doctor, Tessa's opinion of him begins to change. His confidence and concern soften the sharp edge of her first impression. With her guard down, a seed of attraction takes root, and for the first time since her divorce, Tessa entertains the notion of a second chance for love. But new information about her ex-husband's fiance surfaces, threatening her position. Desperate to control the outcome and hold onto her only child, Tessa must rid herself of distractions. And the handsome doctor is at the top of that list.

It's not until losing custody of Marco appears all but inevitable that Tessa realizes she can't control the uncontrollable. And if she doesn't let go of the pain from her past, she'll no doubt face a very lonely future.