Marylanders who Served the Nation
Gerson G. Eisenberg
A Biographical Dictionary of Federal Officials from Maryland
Maryland State Archives
, 1992
Biography & Autobiography / General
History / United States / State & Local / General
History / Americas (North, Central, South, West Indies)
Political Science / General
The Maryland State Archives is the historical agency for Maryland. It serves as the central depository for state, county, and local government records which are to be kept forever. These include state executive, legislative, and judicial records; county probate, land, and court records; and some municipal records. Any government record created prior to April 28, 1788 (when Maryland ratified the U.S. Constitution), must, by law, be deposited at the State Archives. A multitude of records created after that date are also available either in their originally created form or in microform.Records are stored in a humidity- and temperature-controlled stack area, and preservation requirements, including deacidification, lamination, mylar encapsulation, and archival bookbinding, are carried out by the staff of an in-house conservation laboratory. Records are made accessible to the public in a search room open five days each week, through photocopies produced by an in-house photolab, and through the interlibrary loan of microform. The State Archives also maintains several special collections, including maps, photographs, church records, and newspapers.The books listed here represent but a small selection of Maryland materials published by or available from the Archives. In addition to other works in history, biography, records, and genealogy, the Archives offers historic maps, the state flag and seal in various forms, a paper preservation kit, the complete Archives of Maryland in microfilm, and more.Three hundred and fifty years of Maryland politics is spotlighted in this book, which documents the lives and contributions of the hundreds of able and dedicated Maryland public servants whohave served in high office in the state and national governments. Written by well-known Maryland author Gerson Eisenberg, the book is, according to a reviewer, a no-nonsense dictionary of Maryland political biographies -- a boon to researchers that also provides a delightful, uncommon journey through Maryland political history.