Prophethood And Prophecies
註釋The Holy Prophet Muhammad, Of All The Prophets Of The World, Has Been Endowed With Unique Attributes. One Characteristics Mark Of His Mission Is That He Vouched The Truth Of All The Prophets Who Had Gone Before Him, And Made It Obligatory On His Followers To Put Faith In All Of Them, Just As In His Own Divine Mission. This Principle Of Islam Is So Magnificent And Grand That It Not Only Forms The Very Basis Of True Religion And Universal Peace, But The Slightest Deviation From It Would Pull The Whole Structure Of Religion To The Ground.A Veritable Mine Of Information, This Book Consists Of The Following Chapters- The Testimonies; Old Scriptures-1; Old Scriptures-2; The Bible; Prophet S Names; Biblical Support; Biblical References-1; Biblical References-2; And Holy Prophet S Prophecies; Etc.Hopefully, The Information Contained Herein Will Delight And Enlighten One And All.