A Worldwide Christian Delucion
Johannes J. D Villion
, 2013
Religion / Inspirational
Religion / Spirituality
A WORLDWIDE CHRISTIAN DELUSION Encyclopedia America (1956) volume 27, page 294L states: "Christianity is derived from Judaism and Judaism was [and still is] strictly Unnitarion [believe in one God]. The road which led from Jerusalem to Nicaea was scarcely a straight one. 4th century Trinatairians did not reflect accurately early [original Bible] Christian teachings regarding the nature of God. Rather, it was a deviation from this teaching." Neither Jesus nor his followers intended anything they said about their new revelation to contradict the credo. Constantine himself presided, actively guiding the discussion, and personally proposed the crucial formula expressing the relationship of Christ to God in the creed issued by the council, of one substance with the Father. Overawed by the emperor, the bishops, with two exceptions only, signed the creed, many of them much against their inclination. Henry Chadwick writes in his book titled The Early Church: "Constantine who was the chief architect of the doctrine of the Trinity was not a Christian. Constantine like his father, worshiped the sun; his conversion should not be interpreted as an inward experience of grace . . . It was a military matter." Historian Will Durant says: "Christianity did not destroy paganism, it adopted it." At a Jesus seminar in America in 1993, it was concluded that "82% of the words ascribed to Jesus in the gospel were not actually spoken by him" (Britannica, 12th edition, vol. 3, p. 643). There you have it, from the pens of learned Christian scholars that the present Bible is the work of ordinary men and can never be divine. What additional proof could any intelligent person need to disqualify every Bible in existence as the word of God in any language! Can any sensible person argue with such irrefutable evidence?