註釋This is the first detailed assessment of Berg, the man and composer, in any language. Its greater part is devoted to a critical analysis of Berg's music and to a thorough appraisal of the achievements of Arnold Schoenberg and its two chief disciples. But it is also a comprehensive biography of the man, Alban Berg, and much additional biographical matter is included in the analytical portions of the book. In two long chapters, the author discusses the operas, Wozzeck and Lulu, at length, using musical examples and nitherto unpublished letters. The chapter on Lulu contains the first detailed analysis of Act 3, which was completed in short score but not completely orchestrated and which remains unperformed to this day. Works which have been neglected by musicologists so far, such as the Altenberg songs, the Storm Lieder and the Chamber Concerto, are fully analyzed as such in the development of serial composition.