註釋Modern diagnostic techniques provide detailed information on beam conditions in injector, transport, and final focus experiments in the HIF-VNL. Parameters of interest include beam current, beam energy, transverse and longitudinal distributions, emittance, and space charge neutralization. Imaging techniques, based on kapton films and optical scintillators, complement and in some cases, may replace conventional techniques based on slit scans. Time-resolved optical diagnostics that provide 4-D transverse information on the experimental beams are in operation on the existing experiments. Current work includes a compact optical diagnostic suitable for insertion in transport lines, improved algorithms for optical data analysis and interpretation, a high-resolution electrostatic energy analyzer, and an electron beam probe. A longitudinal diagnostic kicker generates longitudinal space-charge waves that travel on the beam. Time of flight of the space charge waves and an electrostatic energy analyzer provide an absolute measure of the beam energy. Special diagnostics to detect secondary electrons and gases desorbed from the wall have been developed.