The Return of the American Revolutionary
註釋This book is the sequel to the Dark Order of the Elite Corporatist rule of tyranny. The story moves toward the continue rebellion organized by the political movement of John Hamilton the founder of the Revolutionary party. The collaboration between the executive branch of government and the revolutionary party manifests with the cooperation with the Anarchist's of the outer sector and the loyalists of the President Clifford Mathews. The reforms to rebuild the war torn nation begins with the push for new reforms that lift the tyrannical system of the order Elite. The battle continues with the Trilateral corporation and the International banking system plot to financially sabotage the Nation into economical collapse. The new introduction to new hero's arise,who all are related to our forefathers by lineage. The new hero's are recruited to help reform the economical,political,and social system that is more toward the original political and economical system conducive to the Constitution. The movement toward a creation of a National owned bank controlled by a democratic government responsible to the citizens of the Republic by democratic process becomes part of the reform against the corrupt system of the I.B.S. Banking and the trilateral corporation's monetarism and economic system. The model used to reform and rebuild a new Nation into a new age of Renaissance is the reforms of the New deal during the F.D.R. Era after the stock market crash and depression of the late twenties and early thirties. The move toward integration with the Anarchist back into the main sector,to restore civil and humane order. ...becomes part of the reforms. The reflection of the scars inflicted on the Anarchist's in the outer sector restores some of the historical injustices of our national history from the native Americans to the African Americans,who have suffered from brutal oppression and genocide much like the Anarchist's in the outer sector. The fight for freedom,liberty,and equality continues as the forces of the oligarchy use every bit of the power to dismantle the reforms and revolutionary movement to further there control on society nationally and internationally.