The Heartbreaker

The London Tattler - February 6
An ugly rumor has arisen, only to be proven no rumor at all, but rather, the unadulterated truth. It seems the proper Lord Farley has behaved in a decidedly improper manner...

James Lindford, Viscount Farley, has returned from the Orient, feted and celebrated ...until his past catches up with him. It seems his lordship's randy ways have resulted in the juiciest scandal of the season, producing endless fodder for the gossip mill. Now, his beleaguered lordship has shut himself up in his country estate, with more than a handful of trouble to cope with. Worse, the most tempting woman on earth is right next door...

Phoebe Churchill's peaceful country life, tending her cottage and rearing her abandoned niece is disrupted when Viscount Farley becomes her new neighbor. Undoubtedly, his powerful build and sensual charm have lured countless women to abandon all reason...except for Phoebe-she's far too wise to be seduced by a heartbreaker. But when she agrees to help James manage a household growing more riotous daily, she finds herself drawn to the man whose lingering kisses leave her yearning for so much more. And before she knows it, a stunning twist of events will lead her toward an impossible task: teaching a notorious heartbreaker the true meaning of love...