Now updated toinclude new chapters dedicated to the Global EconomicCrisis. The most exciting new text in a generation,Chad Jones?s Macroeconomics will change the wayintermediate macroeconomics courses are taught. It is the first and onlyundergraduate text to present the Romer model of EndogenousTechnological Change, which is integral to the way economistsstudy growth theory today. Other texts stop at theSolow model, an approach first formulated in the 1950s. Jones presents the Romermodel at an appropriate level for undergraduates. The text is writtenin an engaging, conversational style that makes students feel asthough they are sitting in on one of Professor Jones?slectures. Whenintroducing new material, he presents it in a careful, patientmanner and follows the discussion with case studies and workedexamples. Each chapter includes two complete worked examples thatwalk students step-by-step through the material covered in thatchapter.
In addition, this isthe first text in the intermediate macroeconomics market to befully integrated with an online homework management system. The easy-to-use SmartWorkhomework management system offers extensive answer feedback asstudents work through a problem. Click here tofind out more