The Twilight Economy
註釋In this sequel to "The New Cyber Decade: Are You Driving Towards Utopia or Dystopia?", the black swan coronavirus turns our world into a dystopian ghost town. As we leave the physical world, this creates an acute shift in societal and corporate behaviour, distorting the value equation. For home emerges as the centre of society - the place from which we go online to socialize, learn, work, shop and meet our healthcare needs. To gain insight into the clash of these new forces and navigate between the dangerous new waves of disruption, we turn for guidance to my Value Pyramid. As the physical world reopens, we enter the "Twilight Economy" and safety emerges as the new risk factor. We witness the reckoning as the coronavirus continues to attack fragile companies stranded on the wrong side of the digital abyss. And the tech giants thrive as disruption arrives in the form of quantum leaps. We have arrived at the inflection point...