Annual Management Report Yukon and Northern Areas 2008
註釋The 2008 Yukon and Northern Area management report summarizes management activities of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries in the Yukon and Northern Areas of Alaska. The report provides the status of Yukon Area salmon stocks (Chinook Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, coho O. kisutch, summer chum and fall chum O. keta) in 2008; provides data on the utilization of salmon species by commercial, subsistence, personal use, and sport fisheries; and presents an outlook for the 2009 fishing season. Alaska and Canada fisheries are summarized because the Yukon River is a transboundary river. Fisheries data in this report supersedes information in previous annual management reports. Some data are preliminary and may be presented with minor differences in future reports. The Yukon Area report is organized into 4 sections: 1) Salmon Fishery: a description of the Yukon Area, fishery resources and fisheries management practices, including a comprehensive report of the 2008 Yukon Area salmon fisheries, by summer and fall season, which makes comparisons to previous years, 2) Cape Romanzof District Herring Fishery: a description of the area, fisheries, management practices, and summary of the 2008 herring fishery, 3) Other Marine and Freshwater Finfish Fisheries: a description of the fishery resources and freshwater finfish fisheries other than salmon and herring, and 4) Northern Area: a description of the area and documentation of the Colville River commercial freshwater finfish fishery.