Interfacial Instability
註釋This book presents a set of essays on interfacial instability, essays on such topics as jets, solidification and melting, precipitation, and electrodeposition. The book deals with the linear theory; as a result, pencil and paper suffice to work through the material. The first two essays provide the necessary background: the first is an introduction to jets; the second explains how to solve a problem in interfacial instability, where the boundary separating two phases can be displaced.||The authors approach interfacial instabilities through their physical origins. These lie in the effect of surface displacements on gradients of pressure, temperature, and composition and on whether or not a perturbed gradient reinforces the displacement causing the perturbation. Intended for graduate students, the discussions are not mathematically demanding, but they do rely on an understanding of fluid flow, heat conduction, and diffusion.||Students will find that the book deepens their understanding of problems in which deflecting surfaces are important; instructors will find in the essays useful material to enrich their lectures.||Contents:|- Domain and Surface Perturbations|- Applications to the Stefan Problems|- Jets and Bridges|- Spinning Jets|- Rayleigh-Taylor and Saffman-Taylor Problems|- Solidification and Precipitation|- Electrodeposition