The Efficient Life
註釋Dr. Luther H. Gulick, director of physical training in the New York City schools, has written an extremely suggestive little book to which he has given the apt title of "The Efficient Life" . It is Dr. Gulick's belief that many men and women of great value to the world are from time to time removed from spheres of usefulness merely because they do not know how to manage their physical organisms. In Dr. Gulick's view it is a good thing to be strenuous in life, but strenuosity is. no end in itself. "It is only when being strenuous is an aid to efficiency that it is worthwhile; and sometimes the quiet life is more effective than the strenuous one. The pursuit of health is not an end in itself, but to live a full, rich, efficient life is an end." Reading and following Dr. Gulick's suggestions in this book ought to help many people to raise the standard of their individual efficiency, for the advice given concerning the conduct and regulation of life is both sound and essential. Dr. Gulick deals with such homely and everyday topics as "Exercise, -Its Use and Abuse," "Meat, Drink, and the Table," "The Business of Digestion," "Fatigue." "Sleep," "The Bath, -For Body and Soul," and "Pain, -The Danger Signal." The book is the more valuable because it is written in full recognition of the fact that probably a majority of those who will become its readers are people who live in cities and are continually under the strain of modern business conditions.-The American Review of Reviews, Volume 36