The Road to Immortality
Complicity, Guilt, and the Legacy of Nuclear Death
出版American University of Paris, 2012
註釋The objective of this work is a cultural psychoanalytic reading of nuclear trauma. It is a reading of cultural trauma that seeks an etiology through a back-up-towards, or anasemic reading, of prior significations with a genesis in an event. It will be demonstrated that through a text, Cormac McCarthy's The Road, read as a carrier of hidden trauma that we can bring to light a legacy of transgenerational phantomatic haunting affecting Americans. This haunting will be shown to reside in nuclear trauma and specifically its role in a redefining of that very human condition: the fear of death. The methodology for this reading examines the text itself - McCarthy's The Road - as the a symbolic representation of a signifying chain leading to guilt and complicity in nuclear death.