The Book of Job


The Historical Introduction — Job 1, 2
Job's Opening Lament — Job 3
The Controversy: The First Addresses of the Friends
Eliphaz's First Address and Job's Reply — Job 4-7,
Bildad's First Address and Job's Reply — Job 8-10,
Zophar's First Address and Job's Reply — Job 11-14,

The Second Addresses of the Friends:
Eliphaz's Second Address and Job's Reply — Job 15-17,
Bildad's Second Address and Job's Reply — Job 18-19,
Zophar's Second Address and Job's Reply — Job 20-21,

The Third Addresses of the Friends:
Eliphaz's Third Address and Job's Reply — Job 22-24,
Bildad's Third Address and Job's Reply — Job 25-26,

Job's Closing Monologue — Job 27-31,
The Testimony of Elihu — Job 32-37,
Jehovah's Testimony from Creation — Job 38-42:6,
"The End of the Lord" — Job 42:7-17.