Some Philosophical Thoughts

 This book consists of more than 1,600 numbered thoughts.  The drift is to expand philosophy to embrace what sometimes was a part of it centuries ago and what may become part of it in future.  The book is distinctive, individualistic and unconventional.

The author, a former university lecturer in philosophy, is vehemently anti- academic philosophy.

This is a work not only for philosophers; it is designed to also be of interest to and understood by ordinary people who have had no training in philosophy. The author encourages readers to become philosophers themselves.

The thoughts are deliberately in random order.  You can start at the end, the middle, or anywhere in the work and jump about at will.

Many of the thoughts are aphorisms; one liners.  A very large number of topics are touched.  Many topics are not part of conventional notions of what philosophy is about.

Also included are household tips, practical suggestions relevant to everyday life and problems and predictions of what may come in future centuries on earth- and elsewhere in the universe.