Algorithmic Diagnosis of Symptoms and Signs: A Cost-Effective Approach
Third Edition
Designed for quick reference, the revised Third Edition of this handy pocket manual contains diagnostic algorithms to help you interpret more than 230 symptoms and signs. The ideal aid for the busy clinician, this portable resource promotes a cost-effective patient workup, highlighting what tests to order and when to refer to a specialist. The Third Edition has been updated to include new algorithmic diagnosis that highlight several useful laboratory tests not included in prior editions, real case histories that help readers apply algorithms in clinical practice, and a new appendix that provides an extensive list of diagnostic tests to be ordered when faced with the most common symptoms.
NEW to the Third Edition...
* NEW algorithmic diagnosis highlights several useful laboratory tests not included in prior editions.
* NEW case histories help you apply algorithms in clinical practice.
* NEW appendix provides an extensive list of diagnostic tests to be ordered when faced with the most common symptoms.
Make the right call... Pick up your copy today!