The Federal Reserve Monster
註釋The most brilliantly honest treastise ever written on the Federal Reserve by an honest plain-spoken banker that refused to give in to the Federal Reserve's thuggery after the illegitimate birth of the pariah back in 1913. This account gives historical affidavit that the Federal Reserve Bankers sent a car load of gunmen under the guise of "agents of the Federal Government" to force a Nebraska plains banker by the name of Wood Cones to sign up for the program at the point of gun. Excerpt from book: "November 14, 1919, a high powered auto containing four people, drove into Pierce and stopped in front of the Bank, but the engine kept running. Two men, W. S. Lower and M. L. Bishop, got out of the car, armed with revolvers and entered our bank. As agents of the Federal Reserve Bank, they demanded the currency on checks drawn 25 against the Cones State Bank of Pierce, Nebraska, of the aggregate face value of $31,900, some of which had been held for over three weeks."