RBS Visitors Guide INDIA - Madhya Pradesh

The very heart of incredible India, Madhya Pradesh with cities of Bhopal and Indore is a land of rich heritage, legendary pilgrim centers, breathtaking scenic beauty, and unparallel wildlife. It has world-renowned stupa of Sanchi, the temple town of Khajuraho and the Bhimbetka, all three designated UNESCO world heritage sites and is also referred to as the Tiger State of India. The tiger reserves at Bandhavgarh and Kanha are very famous.

Book Contents:

Introduction Madhya Pradesh

The book offers interesting insight about Himachal's

Culture, music, dance, art and craft, fairs and festivals,

Adventure and sports, wildlife and flora.

The destinations are signposted with details of accessibility and connectivity,

Tourist attractions,

Local Directory,

Guide maps,

Popular and little known places of interest.

The book has Listing of Hotels,

Popular places of dining out, Restaurants

Shopping areas,

Details on tourist offices,

Travel services providers,

Travel tips.