Through The Fire But I Don't Smell Like Smoke
註釋In this compelling memoir Alicia shares stories of her life from trials to triumph. She recounts many situations that would have caused the average person to give up and throw in the towel on life itself. Surviving molestation, bullying, infidelity, domestic abuse, homelessness, miscarriage, trials of a single mother and questions of self worth are just a few of the many stories she shares. Women of all backgrounds will benefit from the powerful nuggets of wisdom she shares through her experiences. She demonstrates that one may fall, but must exude strength and get up no matter how many times life may knock them down. Her strength, will and determination will inspire all. "Through the Fire But I Don't Smell Like Smoke" will encourage one to change their perspective in times of adversity. She exemplifies the true meaning of being refined by the fire of many afflictions and through grace has learned what it takes to pursue a journey of greatness to become the best woman she can be. Alicia started the Women of Greatness movement in 2017. It was a mere dream of many years that had finally come to fruition and her mission is to touch and empower others with her story. She encounters many worldwide that are hurting and discouraged by feelings of defeat. She desires to help women walk in greatness in every area of life despite situations of their past. After reading her story, there is no way that you will not be inspired to continue your own journey towards greatness and a completely fulfilled life.