Turning Around Chronically Low-Performing Schools. IES Practice Guide. NCEE 2008-4020
Rebecca Herman
Priscilla Dawson
Thomas Dee
Jay Greene
Rebecca Maynard
Sam Redding
Marlene Darwin
ERIC Clearinghouse
, 2008
This guide identifies practices that can improve the performance of chronically low-performing schools--a process commonly referred to as creating "turnaround schools." The four recommendations in this guide work together to help failing schools make adequate yearly progress. These recommendations are: (1) signal the need for dramatic change with strong leadership; (2) maintain a consistent focus on improving instruction; (3) provide visible improvements early in the turnaround process (quick wins); and (4) build a committed staff. The guide includes a checklist showing how each recommendation can be carried out. It uses examples from case studies which illustrate practices noted by schools as having had a positive impact on the school turnaround. The following are appended: (1) Postscript from the Institute of Education Sciences; (2) About the authors; (3) Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest; and (4) Technical information on the studies. (Contains 2 tables.) [This report was produced by the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences.].