David Orr Morrow
註釋In 1861 the United States went to war. Though this story begins with the Civil War, it is not another Civil War story. However, the Civil War does play an intricate part in the development of character and values for the sons of William Morrow. The Civil War took most every able-body man from 18 to 35. As the war progressed and the sight of victory dimmed for the South, the draft changed to accept ages 17 to 50. It was during this time that William Morrow volunteered to go in someone else's place. One can only presume it was a decision made for the sake of the money, certainly not for the patriotic value. It was a common practice of the time that someone could pay another to take their place if drafted. The values that William and Margaret instilled in their children were just a matter of survival in the 1800's. William went to war for the sake of the family. This very act tells us that he was brave and willing to do hard work. It tells us he put his family before his own needs and safety. These values were reflected in the life of David Orr Morrow. During the absence of men, the mothers had to raise their children alone. These children had to mature faster. The older children often raised the younger siblings. Desperation was the common thread of the times. Carrying a gun became a learned skill rather than a rite of passage. Hand guns were essential for protection. Many Indians were moved from their familiar land to reservations more than once. No Indians appreciated these moves. Most were reluctant while others were defiant. Some sought ways to take retribution while others sought to survive the white man. David grew up without his father's guidance, but he had is mother of Tawakoni descent, he had his brothers and sisters and he had some influence from his Tawakoni relatives on the reservation. Dave as he was called later in life grew up well versed in the Indian culture and the white man's culture.