Poppy's Seed

 “They had talked about it for years. Looked forward to it. It was their dream. Somehow the reality isn’t living up to the dream.” 

When Emily and Peter Stanchester retire to Lyme Regis, they both struggle to adapt to their new life. Peter misses his routine and the feeling of being important and useful; Emily misses her freedom and her friends at work. The happy retirement they had been looking forward to seems out of reach and their once-unshakeable marriage is on the brink of falling apart. 

Practical and optimistic, Emily adjusts more quickly. She finds new interests and makes new friends. But with no clear picture of how to spend his retirement, Peter is at a loss. He has no outside interests and feels useless and worthless. Left alone at home, he becomes resentful, moody and needy. 

When Emily meets local artist Poppy James, she is instantly drawn to her. With her bohemian lifestyle, dubious reputation and total disregard for convention, Poppy is unlike anyone Emily has ever known. Peter, too, is fascinated by her, and flattered when she turns to him for advice. But is Poppy really who she says she is? And what exactly does she want from them both? 

Poppy’s Seed is a contemporary novel that explores the changing dynamics of relationships at different points in life. It will appeal to fans of William Boyd, Anne Tyler and Maggie O’Farrell and readers interested in stories about women’s lives and relationships.