Road to Emancipation
註釋Set against the sun-drenched backdrop of Eastern Africa, this moving and sometimes harrowing account of Pate Sangapite, abducted by slave traders at the age of fifteen, gives a fascinating insight into the early twentieth-century slave trade and the growing efforts of Christian missionaries and enlightened African chiefs to stamp out the remnants of this pernicious trade in helpless young children. Pete, and his cousin and close friend Dawale Tate, both heirs to the chieftaincies of their respective peoples, are separated by the abduction and from that fateful day their lives take unforeseen paths. From the despondence of slavery, Pete finds himself rapidly reaching manhood and gaining the respect of his abductors and ultimately his freedom with a new adoptive family, that of one of his abductors who turns his back on the evil of the slave trade. Still far from his homeland, Pete's fortunes continue to take a favourable course and he finds love and marriage before returning to his beloved homeland to be reunited with his family and with Dawale.