

Adults called him DIABLO! His addictions started by age 6! 

Leon wanted to be like other kids; he wanted to be normal, he wasn't!  

BROKEN…A gripping tale of a lost and damaged kid that will take you on a powerful, emotional, and intense rollercoaster ride. Eye opening, and heartbreaking! 

A very young and dark life, this is the story of Leon R. Walker’s youth and his deeply rooted de-mons. From his earliest memories to his last year of high school, he recalls in great detail, his childhood as disturbing, turbulent, and mind shattering. Born in 1965, as a black kid growing up in the inner city of Cleveland and East Cleveland in the 70s and early 80s, he was exposed to pov-erty, racism, and violence. The victim of a broken home, Leon somehow survived his youth, de-termined to learn from his mistakes and succeed in a seemingly inhospitable world. His young mind warped, his eyes deceived, he saw and engaged in things no child his age should ever see, or do. His life BROKEN!

Book Review:

"Leon Walker, A phenomenal motivational speaker and well respected former Naval leader. His memoir resonates and pierces the soul of not only inner city youth, but those from all races, backgrounds, and ethnic groups, struggling to escape the forgone trajectory of young Americans born and raised in a poverty stricken community. “Broken” emphatically illustrates the severe level of dysfunction within our society and associated strife men/women and small children endeavor in order to transition into a productive and model citizen. Dennis L Richardson - the author of Above and Beyond & Naval Engineering" -- Lieutenant Commander, Dennis L Richardson, award winning Naval Engineer