Finding Your Famous {& Infamous} Ancestors
Rhonda Mcclure
F+W Media
, 2003-11-15
Reference / Genealogy & Heraldry
"Am I related to someone famous?" is one of the first questions many people want to know when they become interested in genealogy. In fact, this question often sparks people to begin the climb up their family tree. Or, they might receive offers through the mail for their "family crest," complete with a generic summary of their family name, then wonder if they could be descended from royalty.Finding Your Famous {and Infamous} Ancestors is the first book of its kind to show readers how to find out if they are really related to someone famous or infamous, or if they descend from royalty, and how to separate family myths from facts. All levels of researchers will find helpful instruction in this fun-to-read genealogy guidebook, and it will entice dabblers in family history to get hooked onto a lifelong hobby.Readers will learn how to begin the task of finding their connection to a celebrity by combining traditional research techniques with new advances and resources available on the Internet. Celebrity case studies, both contemporary and historic, will help them learn how to get the most out of genealogical resources, including where to find the information, what to look for when using it and how to take what is found and move to the next step in the research process.It's a fun, beginner-friendly way of helping people discover the truth about their past, perfect for genealogists and non-genealogists alike!