Choosing America's Destiny

 Choosing America’s Destiny is a must-read for those concerned about recent economic, social and political trends within America. It traces the growing divide between liberals and conservatives over the past century and paints a startling picture of reality in our nation today. 

Choosing America’s Destiny highlights the crises concerning government debt, public sector burden, income taxes and immigration policy, education, health care, and the social/cultural decay evident throughout America. And, it discusses the greatest current external threat to our nation – radical Islam. However, Choosing America’s Destiny doesn’t just focus on the negative. It offers real, innovative potential solutions to the problems in our country today. The current conflicts in America and throughout the world are caused by the bedrock ills of human nature identified as the seven deadly sins – pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony and sloth. No nation, empire or civilization can endure the prevalence of those sins. Therefore, the choice facing America is to continue embracing those sins and slide into obscurity or to adopt a simple, but difficult, solution proposed herein.