Peatland Fertilization
註釋In peatland forestry. fertilization is often needed to reach a good 11eld. Phosphorus and potassium are niainlj. used, but on nutrient poor fens and bogs nltrogen also has to be added. These fertilizers affect the environment and thereb) influence the runoff asters. This essay concerns the first three months after fertilization. of \vhich the first tmo weeks have been paid particular attention. As the mms of the sub-basins \$-ere sedge fens. partl) poor fens. with a pme stand in some areas but mostly treeless. the fertihzers used lvere ammonium nitrate (100 kg N). rock phosphate (50 kg P) and potassium chloride (100 kg K). The fertilization mas performed from the air. During the very first hours after fertilization. drastic changes in \later chemists! \+ere found. In one area pH dropped 0.3 units while at the other no immediate change aas seen. For the nhole three months of the iwestigation period the decreases in pH mere in the range 0.1-0.j units.