All that Fits a Woman
註釋All That Fits a Woman: Training Southern Baptist Women for Charity and Mission, 1907-1926 is a detailed, well-researched and well-written account of the lives of women missionaries and others associated with the Women's Missionary Union Training School in Louisville, Kentucky. It includes case studies of individual women, and careful description and analysis of curriculum and architecture and material culture.

The Woman's Missionary Union Training School provided enormous educational opportunities for Southern Baptist women, while ensuring that they would study and serve within limits defined for them by male seminary faculty and by women leaders of the WMU. This history offers a critical view from a feminist theoretical perspective, focusing on the subtle forms of teaching that have been used and are still used today to exclude Southern Baptist women from the preaching ministry and from leadership within the denomination. This timely work resonates with current issues as Southern Baptists continue to draw national attention for their stance on submission of women to male authority. All That Fits a Woman will prove a major resource for students of women's history and religious history, especially Protestantism.