Book 14 Mysticism HC
註釋Does God speak to us apart from Scripture? The belief that God provides us with extra-biblical revelation for extra-biblical decision making (what we term as mega mysticism) is incredibly popular. Hence, there are a multitude of books explaining how to "hear" from God. Once again, we go to Scripture to answer vital questions regarding how God communicates with us today, and come to the following conclusions: - The idea that God grants extra-biblical, amoral revelation directly to our minds is not supported in Scripture. - God does not have a private, personal will for our lives that we must discern outside of Scripture. - The translation of paraklēte in the Gospel of John as "Counselor" is incorrect. - The "wisdom" we are to ask for in James 1 is entirely moral in nature as described in James 3. It does not include answers to all the questions that mega mystics claim God wants to answer. - Mega mysticism is leading many Christians astray in dangerous ways.