Count Down to 2050

This book attempts have been made to propose some ideas regarding the ways we can sustain our life on this planet by respecting and caring about this planet and each other. Accepting the fact that we are social beings, I emphasized that being interdependent, our survival on this planet is linked to living together and protecting this land for ourselves while we see our interdependency in our ecosystem.

I do believe that we can survive together when we have a proper ratio between resources and human beings while it's fairly distributed. The higher the ratio, the better the quality of our life is on this planet. Working on the four Ps and eradicating or, at least, mitigating those problems remains the only way for our survival but also an enhancer of quality of life on this planet. At a national level, we need to make changes in our sociopolitical system as well.

I suggested forming two sectors in governments to help us give security to all generations and not allowing democracy to be jeopardized by some political powers who have dictatorial ambitions to create changes in the political system and, for decades or even centuries, deprive nations of liberty, justice, the voice of reason, and fairness. They also may become so powerful that they may rewrite the history of a country, culture, or even part of the world.

Using the four Cs in the election will be a fair way of electing our representatives to reinforce keeping democracy, fairness, and justice.

I strongly believe democracy is an achievable goal but needs commitment and acceptance of responsibility by all of us as members of the society and as beneficiaries.

I want to stress that it is almost impossible to implement democratic fundamentals in countries in a scarcity state. These countries suffer from poverty, unemployment, and obviously, a lack of democracy and the presence of different forms of injustice. Obviously, any nation that wishes to have democracy must start using all the requirements needed to facilitate democracy. One of them is creating an economy in which every citizen is capable to work.

Globally, we should pay attention to resources per capita and assure everybody has enough to survive if there is a fair distribution of those resources. One test is whether he has the opportunity to have a niche in a free and fair working environment. Every citizen who is competent to work has the opportunity to contribute to his community. Looking at this world, I see democracy and dictatorship having contagious qualities, affecting other communities. Therefore, international efforts should be made to bring democracy to this world. In this way, as we go farther, it will be easier to move other nondemocratic nations toward democracy.

Scientists have repeatedly and consistently warned everybody that without working on the above issues, we, humanity, may have to accept doom and gloom and not only our own demise but also the ultimate annihilation of all forms of lives on this planet with no exception, including many innocent bystanders. This cataclysmic destiny is mostly secondary to our ultimate negligence and selfishness. It will be the total annihilation of the global ecosystem. If it happens, we have no chance to learn a lesson from our failures to take preemptive measures to avoid a catastrophe--no future!