She Shall Be Called Woman, Volume One


This book introduces you not only to women of the Old Testament, but to godly women of our generation.

Each of the writers, after spending a month with "her woman," pours our her heart-honestly, sometimes painfully, but always faithfully. Like the Psalms of David, these readings contain candid admissions of need, a joyful acceptance of grace, and a clear challenge to be faithful to the God who loves us all. Learn from Old Testament Women like:

Eve, Noah's Wife, Job's Wife, Sarah, Hagar, Lot's Wife, Rebekah, Leah, Rachel, Potiphar's Wife, Jochebed, Miriam, Rahab, Deborah and Delilah.

Also, learn from Naomi, Ruth, Hannah, Michal, Abigail, Bathsheba, Tamar, Queen of Sheba, Gomer, Widow of Zarephath, Jezebel, Shunammite Woman, Naaman's Servant Girl and Esther.