A Journey In Soul
註釋A JOURNEY IN SOUL tells the story of one man's calling and his dedication to its fulfillment.

David Marshak received a calling in 1979 to explore the teachings of Sri Aurobindo, Hazrat Inayat Khan, and Rudolf Steiner-three of the most significant spiritual teachers of the first half of the 20th century-in relation to the unfoldment of children and youth in the first 21 years of life. What he found through this inquiry was a "common vision" of these three teachers that included Piagetian child developmental discoveries and transcended them to include the physical, the emotional, the mental, and the soul and spiritual domains-and the complex systemic interrelationships among them. This finding is described in his seminal work, The Common Vision: Parenting and Educating for Wholeness. Marshak continued his inquiry, which led him to the insights described in his next book, Evolutionary Parenting. The "common vision" educates parents about how they can nurture and support their children so that these youths can access integral consciousness by the late teens or early twenties. It also invites parents to consider how their now young adult children will be able to contribute to the common good from integral consciousness.

A JOURNEY IN SOUL is a story of inner exploration and discovery as well as many conversations with fascinating people and a trip to India that almost killed Marshak. It's a simply told story of a calling that continues to this day.