Intimate Odyssey
註釋It has become increasingly apparent that the emerging Christian generation not only is lacking in personal development regarding preparation for the likely prospect of marriage but is also confronting the fact that even finding a compatible marriage partner provokes a great deal of trepidation for many singles. Although helpful and to be commended, the mere leaving of marriage preparation to a single book, marriage seminar or few counseling sessions for engaged couples before the wedding, we believe to be "far too little, too late." Intimate Odyssey is designed to reach young adult Christians with practical information toward their understanding of marriage and in their development as future husbands and wives. It is also written to challenge parents, churches and schools toward developing a ministry in family formation as a preventative to problem-saturated marriages. For the past generation Steve and Rita Williams have had an abiding concern for the future of Christian marriage in their ministry as teachers and counselors. Since 1990 they have served as missionaries with Mission to the World in support of Christian families in both the European and Pacific arenas and were the founders of Barnabas Zentrum in Austria, a retreat-counseling ministry for vocational Christian leaders. Dr. Williams obtained his Ph.D. from Florida State University with concentrations in family sociology and family therapy along with a M.A. from Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL) in theological studies and interpersonal relations. His wife, Rita, holds a B.S. from Liberty University (Lynchburg, VA) in psychology and Bible while also studying counseling at the graduate level. Today they make their home in New Zealand and are the parents of two children.