Ruth: A Prophetic Story of Faith, Grace, and Redemption

The book of Ruth records historical events that literally happened, but it is also a living parable with great spiritual and prophetic significance. This is the love story of Ruth, symbolic of the bride of Christ, and Boaz, the kinsman redeemer, who is symbolic of Jesus Christ. Ruth was the third gentile woman (after Tamar and Rahab) to be incorporated into the bloodline of Jesus Christ and became the great grandmother of king David.

Boaz is the eleventh generation of the line of Abraham. What a wonderful, delightful time in the history of the town of Bethlehem and of the people of God.All these events would lead to the advent of Jesus Christ, prophesied as the seed of Abraham and the son of David. The genealogies in Scripture all culminate at the generation of Christ in which we, like Ruth, may be included by faith and grace as part of the redeemed body of Christ.