Harvard Law Review: Volume 130, Number 7 - May 2017

The Harvard Law Review's May 2017 issue, Number 7, features these contents: 

• Article, "A Contextual Approach to Harmless Error Review," by Justin Murray  

• Book Review, "Courting Abolition," by Deborah W. Denno 

• Book Review, "This Land Is My Land?" by Tracey Meares 

• Note, "Clarifying Kiobel's 'Touch and Concern' Test"  

• Note, "If These Walls Could Talk: The Smart Home and the Fourth Amendment Limits of the Third Party Doctrine"  

Furthermore, student commentary analyzes Recent Cases on: trademark law and applying the Lanham Act to wholly foreign sales; election law and the test for partisan gerrymandering; civil procedure and whether service of process may be accomplished internationally via Twitter; felon disenfranchisement and the governor's clemency power; international law and sentencing for war crime of attacking cultural heritage; and international arbitration and whether Uruguay's anti-tobacco regulations violate Philip Morris's investment rights. Finally, the issue includes two summaries of Recent Publications. 

The Harvard Law Review is offered in a quality digital edition, featuring active Contents, linked footnotes, active URLs, legible tables, and proper ebook and Bluebook formatting. The Review is a student-run organization whose primary purpose is to publish a journal of legal scholarship. It comes out monthly from November through June and has roughly 2500 pages per volume. Student editors make all editorial and organizational decisions. This is the seventh issue of academic year 2016-2017.