Cultural Heritage
At the Intersection of the Humanities and the Sciences. Proceedings of the International Humboldt-Kolleg (Jordan, 16-18 April 2019). With the assistance of Jérôme Norris and Ahmad Alghizawat
出版LIT Verlag, 2023-03-09
主題Social Science / Anthropology / General
註釋Human heritage is an endless mine of knowledge, skills, ethos and accomplishments, which visualize and examine the power of human creativity and innovation throughout the history. The contributions cast an insight into the human psyche to perceive its Weltanschauung, and its way of thinking and making artefacts associated with knowledge, existence and identity in the context of other existing systems in the world. They demonstrate the diversity of topics as well as the state-of-the art of interdisciplinary approaches that participants of the Humboldt-Kolleg use in their research on cultural heritage, and confirm, once again, that the strengths of the Alexander von Humboldt Network should be celebrated and honoured. The present volume invites us to seek more novel research approaches that aim towards an understanding of the complex nature of human inheritance.