The Use of a Tissue-Equivalent Proportional Counter for Dose Measurement and Microdosimetric Quantification of Mixed Radiation Fields
註釋The response of a tissue-equivalent proportional counter to a variety of neutron, gamma ray and mixed radiation fields has been measured. The detection system encompasses unique electronic circuitry for data acquisition, followed by a dedicated microcomputer for analysis. The detector response to monoenergetic neutrons and gamma rays served to quantify such radiation fields in terms of the microdosimetric parameters yF and yD, enabling comparison with the work of other experiments and existing computer codes. Excellent agreement was observed here. These experiments also resulted in a method of separating neutron and gamma ray dose components in mixed radiation fields. Finally the detector was used to measure both neutron and gamma ray doses at two distances from the fast neutron critical facility of the U.S. Army Pulse Radiation Division (Material Testing Directorate, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.). Both free field doses and the dose delivered to the mid-abdominal position of a realistic anthropomorphic phantom were measured. Free-field results compare favourably with other work, while the absorbed dose to the gut was observed to vary significantly as a function of phantom orientation with respect to the core. Originator supplied keywords include: Tissue-equivalent proportional counter, Mixed radiation fields, Neutron, Gamma ray, Microdosimetry, Critical facility, Anthropomorphic phantom, Linear energy transfer, Frequency-weighted mean lineal energy, Dose-weighted mean lineal energy.