In Defence of God

When did people forget God? When did people begin to forget that they are merely the created, and so insignificant that they even in total number are not even the tiniest measurable fraction of all that is - all that He created, that being the universe itself. Not only is the Creator the origin of all life, but all that exists. Not only is the Creator the origin of all souls, but their beginning and end. He is also the One who judges. And no soul escapes judgment, whether they choose to believe in God or not, whether they choose to uphold His Law or not. Nobody escapes judgment.

Yet there are certain religious groups on this planet who teach each other to believe themselves exempt from this judgement and are even so arrogant as to believe that this presumed exemption elevates their souls above those that still humble themselves before God. And they have come to the false conclusion that since God doesn't strike down with lightning those who transgress on the spot, it is permissible for them to break His Law, and that the lack of direct intervention somehow equals tacit approval.

It does not. Worse, this conclusion inevitably leads to hatred, which leads to the embracement of ignorance and the justification of suffering, wars, genocide, and enslavement. There is no cure for this arrogance. Once it has seeped into the soul, its corruption is inevitable.

My warning is simple - remind yourself constantly of your true relationship with God.