Energetic Invocations Series: A Book of Vibrational Change - Volumes 1-17

"Energetic Invocations Series: A Book of Vibrational Change, Volumes 1-17,” includes the high-octane version (“Energetic Invocations: A Book of Vibrational Change”) but with the addition of very potent Process This components, which offer real-life situations and contemplations for every section. This book is about changing your thoughts and beliefs, and working with the energy surrounding them, as a way to change your life. The Process This sections provide strategies and give examples to help readers understand the concept and move the energy for themselves. 

Relationships are a part of life, so isn’t finding a process that works for you the real answer? This book shares a process which asks you to examine your thoughts and beliefs, and work with the energy surrounding them. Process This stories illustrate how energy appears, works and is utilized. They also exhibit people using energy to their benefit, or not.

Invest in yourself with “Energetic Invocations: A Book of Vibrational Change,” because it is not a self-help series, it is a self-empowerment journey!

Along with “Energetic Invocations,” Part One - Self addresses who you are and think you are, and who people have labeled you to be; emphasizes what self-care is and isn’t and why it is important; and asks what your life would look like if you weren’t sick, understood healthcare is a business and redefined charity.

Along with “Energetic Invocations,” Part Two - Journey challenges you to look with a new perspective; embrace your specific journey; define your expertise to encourage your value; links your value to your currency and not money; and questions your commitment to your reality, while pushing you into possibilities.

Along with “Energetic Invocations,” Part Three - People investigates how to live in this energy, with people; exposes the hype of love; and acknowledges the difficulties and offers support when others are not as clear as you.

Along with “Energetic Invocations,” Part Four – Environment visits the idea of space and science to help incorporate what you have learned and empower yourself; reveals the happiness which works for someone else may not for you; and stresses the importance of inspiring and enriching yourself daily.

Along with “Energetic Invocations,” Part Five-World looks at science and questions your reliance on time; explores how you can live with this new information and stay balanced; and reveals the truth for you is different than another’s so unveiling it, for yourself, is important.

“Energetic Invocations: A Book of Vibrational Change” and “Energetic Invocations Series: A Book of Vibrational Change – Volumes 1-17, with Process This (with real-life situations and contemplations) have been inspiring readers everywhere to do the work to quiet “out there,” analyze thoughts and beliefs, and work with the energy all around to find their own truths and make change.

Now you can also hear the authors candidly discuss why they wrote this book, how powerful “Energetic Invocations” are to help you refocus your life, and the essence and energy of all five parts of the book, in their podcast episodes “Energetic Invocations and Process This – The Author’s Cut,” in their podcast series “Let’s Talk About Energy: Ours and Yours” available on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Anchor, “Alexa,” and everywhere!

Buy the book, absorb the authors’ energized discussions, invest in yourself and do the work, and be a part of your own self-empowerment journey!