註釋Are you able to complete the important tasks and projects in your life?Is there something you want to accomplish that you perceive to be impossible?There are times in everyone's life when feelings of sudden inspiration take hold. You will feel the need to change or improve certain aspects of life. This wave of inspiration will give you the power to make important resolutions. The initial inspiration soon fades and the resolutions you set out to make fade away too. It is common for people to start working on a specific goal only for a short while before they give up. This leads to an endless cycle of starting and quitting the same goal over and over.Determination is the force that makes it possible for you to start something important and see it through to completion. This book teaches you all about determination. You will learn how to build determination in your life so you can accomplish great things. It wont be long before you feel like you can accomplish anything. Determination brings confidence and makes life better.Break the cycle today!!!!!!!!!Put an end to the unfinished business in your life for good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!In this valuable book you will learn how to.....* Never give up* Strengthen you ability to achieve the impossible* Discover the style of working that will bring you the greatest results* Challenge yourself on a daily basis* Identify other determined people that are committed to the same goal* Recognize strengths and weaknesses in others* Learn from past mistakes so you do not repeat them"Determination is necessary for anyone that wants to better their life situation. "Mr. Bunker has impressively explained how anyone can incorporate determination in their life" -George Isaacs- The Capital Times-