註釋According to previous work we invited 189 subjects to clinical visit in Ribnica. There was a group of subjects with family history of hypertension and a group without background of hypertension. Both groups were very similar concerning sex and age. Our results support hypothesis that hypertension is genetically determined disease which can be predicted and that there is neurovegetative dissregulation (high sympathetic tone) in group with family hiystory of hypertensin, while persons are still normatensive. We found that subjects with hypertensive background have higher peripheral forearm vascular resistence than the other. With results we've got last year we can conclude that subjects with family background of hypertension express different behaviour - reactivity, although we couldn't demonstrate corelation between subjects expressing type A behaviour and some physiological tests. We started with new method for determination of sympathetic and parasympathetic tone - power spectral analysis of heart rate. It is noninvasive and usefull method for epidemiologic studies. Number of subjects was rather small (objective reasons) and we can not conclude whether sympathetic tone is really higher or not in subjects with family hystory of hypertension we proposed.