Transforming Everything You Think You Know About Creative Blocks
出版Filbert Publishing, 2021-11-02
主題Self-Help / CreativitySelf-Help / Emotions

What’s holding you back?

Why don’t you pursue your dream?

“Creative blocks don’t exist.” “Change your attitude.” “Just blast through your block.” “Practice gratitude and the universe will reward you with...”

I heard it all, every trite band aid solution to my very complex, soul wrenching, creative block.

Truth was (and is) a life changing medical challenge didn’t fill me with inspiration. It wasn’t necessarily a positive transformative experience, either. (At least at the time.)

Instead, I found myself navigating a maze of emotions, experiences, and head scratching moments. With each new blow, with every new reality I faced, I found my creative block expanding until I realized I had a tangle of issues to unwind before I could resume my creative life.

Perhaps you’re in the same boat.

If you’ve found yourself, for one reason or another, with a dream, a higher purpose, a project you want to complete but you just can’t get started… this book’s for you. It’s for every dreamer, aspirerer, gentle soul who wants to achieve their life purpose, but can’t seem to get on the path to productivity.

Filled with short chapters; my personal story, applications to your situation, as well as prompts to help you untangle your inability to get moving on your project, this book will equip you with everything you need to understand the story your block carries. You’ll also receive a unique set of tools in the Bonus Tool Chest found in the final section.

My hope is that STUCK will give you everything you need to venture forth and create the life you know you were born to lead.