Someone Left Behind
註釋Someone Left Behind is an emotional, wrenching, unforgettable true life story of Lily. At the age of two she lost her mother due to an unknown illness. Soon after her father left, leaving her in the care of her seventeen-year-old sister, Patricia, who was vowed to keep a promise. She lived on the fringes of society in fear, poverty, and abuse. At the age of sixteen, Patricia threw Lily out of her home, leaving her homeless. As she boarded a bus to an unknown future, the thought of leaving her school, hometown, friends, her nephew and nieces, and especially the love of her life was beyond what she could handle. During Lilys preschool and teen years, she suffered the brutality of Patricias boyfriends. Lily lived most of her life as an introvert due to low self-esteem. But the desire to succeed in life gave her the strength to withstand and fight her social phobias. Names were changed to protect the innocent.