註釋Part Three of The Templar series Stephen, the Knights of the Hospital, and the thirteen orphans, continue with their harsh voyage to the shores of a town called Barcelona, where a ferocious storm greets them, and tragic events begin to unfold. From the series, The Templar, comes the final novel in this epic adventure which will have you asking many questions. Something so unbelievable is discovered by Stephen as he befriends Father Ambaedian of Barcelona, a 1500 year-old mystery being discovered for what it is and the truth that it hides. This third book will deliver the questions most asked and yet so many more remain unanswered, such as the final resting place of the Cross of Christ. What powers does it hold? What other name is it known by? What is to become of the thirteen orphans and the knights so bold? Find out for yourself the answer to these questions and many more.