Tracking the Skies for Lacy

It's the height of the Cold War. The Air Force Sixth Weather Squadron (Mobile) chases tornadoes, tracks weather systems, and provides upper atmosphere weather data for dangerous South Pacific missile detonations. What happens when love and other adventures enter the mix? Sixth Weather warrior Luke LaCrosse roars into manhood by monitoring tornadoes and nuclear tests, surviving a near-fatal accident in Hawaii, and flying Vietnam missions "" while seeking the lifelong love of high school sweetheart Lacy De'Luca. Tracking the Skies for Lacy follows their romantic obstacles "" family concerns, military service, distant locations "" to a climactic river-rafting trip. Their navigation through a decade of challenges forms the beauty, faith, adventure and redemption that make Tracking the Skies for Lacy an engrossing "" and harrowing "" romantic adventure.