Final Report of the Whales Team in the Megafauna Expert Group
出版Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, 2019
註釋"Two species of great whales are commonly encountered on a seasonal basis in the Great Barrier Reef (the Reef): the humpback, Megaptera novaeangliae, and the dwarf minke, Balaenoptera acutorostrata subsp. This report focuses on these two species, acknowledging that many other large and migratory whales utilise the Reef. This desktop report provides a summary of: o Current status of these whales relevant to the Reef, including an evaluation of primary drivers, pressures and responses using the Drivers, Pressures, State, Impacts, Responses (DPSIR) framework; o Priority indicators for monitoring relevant components of the DPSIR framework and key values associated with these whales; o Current and potential sources of monitoring data to address the abovementioned priority indicators; o An appraisal of the adequacy of existing monitoring activities to achieve the objectives and requirements of the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program (RIMReP); o Recommendations for the design of an integrated monitoring program as a component of RIMReP, specifically considering: The management information requirements for each species (relevant to the Reef) to ensure that appropriate data and information are being collected to meet the fundamental objectives of RIMReP; The spatial and temporal sampling design (including logistics) to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of data collection; Resources and effort required to implement the recommended monitoring design."--Executive summary.