Big Master Plan

The master plan behind the BIG Master Plan is to build a morally responsible world, one person at a time. The process revolves around giving clear, concise moral instructions for life that are truthful, uplifting, and easily understood by all people around the world. The vehicle to move this information is contained in this simple, beautiful book.

Imagine a book that inspires every person around the entire globe. The BIG Master Plan will not save the world. But all the people, like you, who embrace the messages contained within, can change the face of humanity forever more.

So, read what the world reads. Inside find beautiful, simple, profound instructions for life that are written in nine languages.

These universal messages of who, what, when, and why we are, transcend social, political, and religious boundaries. Small messages with BIG impact are designed to unify mankind in an overture for a symphony of Heaven on Earth.

The Grand Humanifesto is NOW! Read the BIG Master Plan every day and have a love affair with life for life!