The Saddest Story Ever Told
註釋Before you inevitably ask how this retched book made it to publication, let me explain. My name is Jack Mihoff, I own the Seven Gables Motel in Virginia City, NV. Last Halloween a man by the name of Ronan Kim rented one of my rooms and then killed himself with a shotgun. It took every last dime I had to get the place cleaned up and blood still seeps through the paint. He didn't leave a suicide note like a normal person instead he left this manuscript. I remember this guy staying here when some local ministers died but this manuscript acts like he was in the middle of everything, he makes himself out to be some kind of hero. He wasn't a hero at all, everything written in this book is drivel. Ronan Kim was just another worthless malcontent who took his own life because he couldn't handle his worthless existence. Despite the manuscripts dismal content, it is long enough to be considered a novel, and by selling it on the internet I can recoup some of the expenses of restoring the damaged room. So that's how this retched book made it to publication. Enjoy, Jack Mihoff Virginia City, NV